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The Lighthouse and keepers houses are located on the Northern part of Jervis Bay in New South Wales and is located along a dirt road that passes through a Naval Gunnery Range and therefore when there is live weaponry practice, you can not access the site. The Keepers Cottages house Navy personnel and are off limits to the public.

It is recommended to contact the local tourism authority on (02) 4448 3411 before venturing out to this magnificent landmark as they will advise you when the road to the lighthouse is open

You cannot enter the lighthouse, but the view from the grounds of the lighthouse alone, makes this drive a worthwhile adventure.

The lighthouse was a major coastal light in a network of navigational aids operated and maintained by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. It has now been replaced by a new lighthouse, but the building remains of historic significance.

The Point Perpendicular Lighthouse was established in 1899 to replace the inaccurately placed Cape St George Lighthouse. The original 1860 lighthouse had been built in the wrong position due to inadequate supervision by the authorities of the day. It was not visible to the northern approach at Jervis Bay and failed to warn of offshore reefs. Even though when the error was realised it was intended to show a light at Cape St George only as a temporary measure it was not until 1898, over 30 years later, that work began on its replacement on the northern side of the entrance to the bay.

This tower is believed to be a "first" in New South Wales. It is erected on a flat concrete base and is the first tower to be constructed of concrete blocks - made on the ground - lifted into position, then cement-rendered on both the inside and the outside. This building technique eliminated the use of heavy scaffolding and shuttering which is necessary for the "concrete poured" construction of towers.

Most of the stores and materials for the new lighthouse were landed at Bindijine Wharf, constructed in 1898, on Honeymoon Bay inside the sheltered side of Jervis itself. They were then carted by house and cart to Point Perpendicular. The original apparatus was vapourised kerosene, 100,000 cd with a range of 33 kilometres. The power was increased to 222,000 cd in 1909 and again to 316,000 in 1923. The light was converted to electric operation in 1964 with the installation of 2 diesel generators. When to light was finally replaced in 1993 the power was 1,200,000 cd.

The new "lattice" style tower is solar powered and the lightstation has been demanned.  The window above the main door is interesting as it displays the Waratah, the state flower of New South Wales, and the construction date of the tower. The light was last lit by Ian Clifford on Saturday 17 November 1999 for the Seafarer's Festival Ball and to celebrate the centenary of Point Perpendicular.


Destinations to explore near

Point Perpendicular Lighthouse

Photos Courtesy Scott Westlake Photography

Distance & direction from Sydney: 192 Klms S SW

Lighthouse Road, Currarong

Tel: 1300 622 808   Website   E-Mail

Point Perpendicular Lighthouse

Historic Site, New South Wales